Wherever you find yourself,
you don’t have to journey alone
About Sycamore Counselling
Relationship Centred
Relationships are critical to your mental, physical and spiritual health. Have you ever noticed that when your relationships suffer your mental and spiritual health suffers too? Whether you’re an individual, couple, or family, you’ve found the right place for your relationship concerns. Come experience therapy where relationships are centred as a critical part of your healing.
Attachment Based
Attachment theory is a well-known, evidence-based framework that sees relationships as foundational to human health and vitality. As humans we are wired to bond with others, and when our connection with others in threatened we experience a range of distressing emotions. This framework applies to our romantic, familial and friend relationships, and in our relationship to God.
Trauma Informed
Understanding the impact of trauma is essential in therapy. Trauma is much more than an event. In the words of the trauma expert, Gabor Maté, “Trauma is what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you.” Trauma survivors often describe a shattered sense of safety and security and a sense of disconnection from their own bodies as a result of trauma. Trauma therapy can help you feel more safe in your own skin.
Spiritually Integrative
Our spirituality is deeply personal, and it can be hard to talk openly about it with your therapist. When we struggle with our faith or the church, our whole self is impacted. Whether you have existential questions, church hurt, or suffered spiritual abuse, you can raise those issues with confidence knowing your spiritual journey will be incorporated as you like.